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Voter Data,


A constituent communications tool specifically for state and local elected officials and candidates. In these races, both candidates and incumbents need good voter data that's affordable and easy to use. Your constituent cheat sheet in the palm of your hand - when and where you need it most.


WhoWe Are

Elected in 2002 to the first of three terms in the Kansas House of Representatives, Stephanie Sharp's campaigns were built on clipboards, spreadsheets, and an email list. From years of campaign experience and public service, Stephanie knew the need for an easy way to track constituent communication for instant recall on a doorstep. VoteSharp was launched in 2011 and has grown into a web-based solution used across the country. Access VoteSharp on any internet-capable device to transform your public service.

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Good public service IS a good campaign. Develop and enhance relationships now to make the campaign easier and more fun! Track your relationship with each voter at their door, community activities, town hall meetings, email, etc., and have those reminders easily findable when and where you need them most.


Quarterly voter list updates. Hundreds of dollars in savings versus buying the lists yourself. All data provided by your state or county's election office is included in the database. You add information about voters as you interact to deepen the value of the data.


The latest in mapping technology drops a pin on each home with a registered voter and highlights new voters with a green pin. Street or satellite view options help differentiate driveways and empty lots which now have homes. View yard sign locations on a map instead of a list of addresses.


With mutual permissions, share data with overlapping elected officials. You benefit from data collected during their campaign cycle and vice versa!


Carbon copy yourself on an email to a constituent and the text will be added to their voter file. All text from emails and notes is keyword searchable.


Track interactions on doorsteps: Did someone answer the door? What are their priorities? Did they mention their job or other personal affiliations? What bumper stickers are on the car, school or religious paraphernalia in the yard? Did a dog bark at the bell? Track, search, and microtarget by keyword!


Just text, email, or call Stephanie with questions, password resets, new users, etc.! Any data you have which is tied to a Unique Voter ID number can be uploaded to the database for you.

Watch Our Video Demonstration

See VoteSharp Mobile in action in this video tutorial: Here


A) VoteSharp Local
Cities, school districts, other local offices:
<20,000 registered voters
• $375/year

B) VoteSharp Mayor, House:
20,000-70,000 registered voters
• $725/year

C) VoteSharp Senate:
70,000+ registered voters
• $1000/year

D) VoteSharp Org:
Call for more information, varies based on organization's needs.

Your data is your data. If you own the account, you decide who gets access and how much. Ten subscribers could be subscribed to your district, but they are siloed - none of your data ever touches or is visible by another account and vice versa - unless you opt to share data with an overlapping candidate or official.

• YOU decide who uses your account and who gets full access or just read/write but not editing access.
• In the case of a rogue staff or volunteer, you can shut down a user's account with a simple text.
• The data is duplicated on servers in Michigan and Georgia using the best security technology.

We buy data quarterly from Secretaries of State, Election Boards, or County Election Offices, depending on your needs. Any data included in those files will be uploaded, including any additional data you might have that includes voters' Unique Voter ID (UID) numbers. For example:
• Some states do not require party affiliation, others do not require a phone number.
• Some allow "no excuse" advance balloting, and where applicable, VoteSharp paired with the PDF Max app (free), fills out the application, the voter signs on your device, and you send to the appropriate election office.

VoteSharp is a web-based application that works on any device with an internet browser.

Contact Us

phone: 913-579-4376